
bookmark MGtools:


Click to minimize/Restore MGtools.U can custom the size and position of both minimize mode or normal mode of MGtools .It will automatically remember the size and position information.


bookmark Right click on MGtools icon:



flag_blue MGtools config.. : Load MGtools config to config MGtools hotkey , autoload issues or shelves. more

flag_blue MGtools shelf installer.. : load MGtools shelf installer to install MGtools features to maya shelves. more

flag_blue Remember style: remember current MGtools size and position information.
flag_blue Style options: There are four Layout styles: single column,  double columns, square and single row.

User style is a style that don't belong to these four style presets.

Pick one of these style option will automatically set MGtools size to the corresponding value.

flag_blue MGtools Help..: Read MGtools manual.

flag_blue About MGtools..: Know more about MGtools development history.


lightbulb Tips: Click MGtoolIcon button in normal mode will set it to minimized mode and remember the normal size & position information.

Click MGtools button in minimized mode will restore it to normal mode and remember  the size & position information of the minimized mode.
