
bookmark MGtools Conifg:


U can customize MGtools hotkey ,autoload isues and MGtools shelf setting here.


bookmark To load MGtools Config ( Do one of the following ) :


Right mouse button clicking on MGtools' first icon and select MGtools config..
Click MGtoolConfigIcon icon in your Maya shelves . (If U have installed all the MGtools shelves into Maya shelves)

bookmark MGtools Config:


flag_blue Section A: Switch all MGtools UI language between English and Chinese. MGtools UI need to reopen to be shown in new language form.

flag_blue Section B: The list shows all MGtools nameCommands that could be set hotKey to.

flag_blue Section C: Set hotKey to the selected item in the list of sction A. If the hotkey of selected item has been set before ,it will automatically show the key.

flag_blue Section D: The scroll field shows the actual mel codes of the selected item in the list.

lightbulb Tips : Right mouse button clicking on section A:


    Remove Current hotkey : Delete the hotkey of selected nameCommand item. (U can press "Del" key in your keyboard to do the same thing.)

      Remove All MGtools hotkey : Delete all hotkeys of the items in the list.  




flag_blue Autoload Config:

Turn on the checkbox of the autoload item will enable it to be autoloaded with Maya. Click "Save AutoLoad Config" button to save the edit.

Turning on / off "MGtools Menu" checkbox will generate / delete MGtools menu in Maya menuBar.




flag_blue Install shelf :

Turn on the checkbox U want to install to maya Shelves and then click "--> Install/Update" to install / Update.
All to currentTab : Install all MGtools shelves into your current selected Maya shelf tab.There will be 55 shelves.
All to Tab "MGtools": create a new ShelfTab called "MGtools"(If it does not exist) then add 55 MGtools Shelves into this tab.

Click button installMGtoolsToshelfOption ,MGtools Shelf installer window will pop up.more

lightbulb Tips: Right mouse button clicking on  "--> Install/Update" button :


Remove MGtools Shelf from current ShelfTab: Delete all MGtools Shelf from Current selected Maya shelf tab.
