
bookmark First to MGtools:

1.Visit http://mgtools.com/mel to download the latest MGtools .zip package and extract it to wherever in your local disk .
2.Do not change the directory structure. Use your mouse left button drag "InstallMGTools_WrittenByMiguel.mel" into your running maya model panel.
3.Follow the popup MGtools InstallShield Wizard.

bookmark Install MGtools between different maya versions:

1.Start the maya version which already has MGtools installed.
2.Open MGtools program folder by right clicking MGtools'  icon FolderIcon /Open MGtools folder..
3.In MGtools program folder window ,click in invoke folder,U can find "InstallMGTools_WrittenByMiguel.mel";
4.Drag this mel file into the model panel of the new maya version.follow the popup MGtools InstallShield Wizard.
5.Notice that the new installed MGtools is independent with the old existed MGtools.If U want to update MGtools ,U got to update MGtools of the all maya version .

bookmark MGtools InstallShield Wizard:

       Drag InstallMGTools_WrittenByMiguel.mel into the running maya model panel,and "MGtools InstallShield Wizard" will popup:


flag_blue This section determines the MGtools UI language. U can decide it later in MG-Config. more

By default the option will be determined by your windows language.


flag_blue This section determines how MGtools will be installed to shelf.

Install to Shelf: only install one shelf to your Maya Shelves.

Install all to current ShelfTab: Install all MGtools shelves into your current selected Maya shelf tab.There will be 55 shelves.
Install all to New "MGtools" ShelfTab: create a new ShelfTab named "MGtools"(If it does not exist) then add 55 MGtools Shelves into this tab. It will delete and reinstall to update the old MGtools shelves if they already exist.
This action could be taken as well by loading MGtools shelf installer after U installed MGtools . more


flag_blue Which items U want to be autoLoaded when Maya starts:

AutoLoad MGtools Menu: install MGtools menu in maya menuBar and it will always remain there.

AutoLoad MGtools : autoload MGtools once Maya is loaded.
Load Minimized: MGtools will be autoloaded in minimized mode.
AutoLoad MGchannelBox : A floating channelBox will be loaded once Maya is loaded.
AutoLoad MGshelfBar: A floating bar which containing user embed mels will be loaded once Maya is loaded.

AutoLoad constraintTools : Constraint Tools will be loaded once Maya is loaded.

All autoload items could be customized in MGtools Config more .Setting MGtools autoload issues wont effect currently existed user autoload issues.


flag_blue After installing MGtools:

Load MGtools: Load MGtools after installation.

Config Mgtools: Load MGtools Config to config MGtools.more
View HelpDoc: Read MGtools manual.

Get through all this checkbox issues, then click ">Install<" button to actually begin installing MGtools.

MGtools folder will be automatically coped to your Maya's script folder. The shelves will be installed to Maya shelves and autoload issues will be set.

When all these are done, one popUp windows will appear to notice you that.

Warning After installed MGtools, if  maya warns U that there are some icons not found, just ignore it ,because after Maya is restarted that will be alright.
