
bookmark Display layer set manager:


Click to load display layer set manager.

This tool is written to improve the efficiency of building display layers.


bookmark How to load it ( Do one of the following ) :

Click the displayLayerSet_Icon icon in your Maya shelves (If U have installed all the MGtools shelves into Maya shelves) or the icon in the constraint tool bar.
Right mouse button clicking on button viewSetToolIcon of MGtools and select "DisplaySet Tool.. "

bookmark Why using it:

The first thing that animator could probably does is to build display layers to make the display manageable. So why not save all this display layer information, including layer name, layer members , to a set file which could be reused easily next time.  If u have save enough display layer information for a project ,every time when u open a layout file u just click "eval all display layer set" ,and all needed properly named display layer will be automatically created  with their members been set .


bookmark Display layer manager UI:


flag_blue The left list: Shows the existed display layer name.  (Also they will be the display layer name )

flag_blue The right list: Shows the layer members in the display layer.

flag_blue New from sel : Create a display layer set with the objects selected in your scenes as layer members. If the button is gray out, that means u have no selection in your scenes.

flag_blue New from layer: Create a layer set from selected layer from the layer editor. (No recommend because there could be great amount of set members. )

flag_blue +Sel to member : Add current selection in your scenes to the display layer member list. If the button is gray out, that means u have no selection in your scenes.

flag_blue -Sel from set:Remove current selection in your scenes from the display layer member list. If the button is gray out, that means u have no selection in your scenes.

flag_blue Rename Set : Rename current display layer set name. (U will change the display layer name as well. )

flag_blue Delete Set : Delete selected display layer set . U can do this by pressing del key in your keyboard as well.

flag_blue Remove member: Remove the member from member list. U can do this by pressing del key in your keyboard as well.

flag_blue Eval all : Test all the display layer sets , if there are set members existed in your scene then build the corresponding display layer and put the objects in as members.

flag_blue Refresh UI :Refresh the lists.

flag_blue Close :Quit display layer set manager.

Warning   After saving a lot of display layer sets, when using "eval all display set " feature , sometime it will create a layer to put the certain object ,then in other set the object  is in the member list as well, then it will put it into another layer . So keep this in mind , do not mess it up ,try not to put a object in two display layer sets.
