
bookmark ViewSet config:


Click to load viewSet config to config two or three view port switch.


bookmark How to load viewSet config ( Do one of the following ) :

Click the configViewSwitch_Icon icon in your Maya shelves (If U have installed all the MGtools shelves into Maya shelves) or the icon in the constraint tool bar.
Right mouse button clicking on button viewSetToolIcon of MGtools and drag upwards then release.


bookmark viewSet config UI:


flag_blue Section A: There are at most three view port config tabs.

Presets: Click the presets buttons to quickly set the view configs of current tab.

flag_blue B区 :

flag_blue Affect active/all viewport.. : It determines the view switch to control current / all maya view ports.

flag_blue Disable Config 3.. : If u only want to switch in two configs , then turn on this option. the switch three will be disabled.

flag_blue Open config ->.. : Click to reuse the config saved before.

flag_blue Save config as..: Save current config as .cfg file.

flag_blue   Save config :Save current view switch config editing, this will directly determine the acting of clicking performance of the button viewSetToolIcon in MGtools.

flag_blue Restore to Default : Quickly reset all config to default setting.

flag_blue Help.. : View view switch config help doc.

flag_blue Close:Close view switch config window.
