
bookmark How to accessing snapping foot tool ( Do one of the following ) :


Click the button footstickIcon of MGtools.
Click the footstickIcon icon in your Maya shelves (If U have installed all the MGtools shelves into Maya shelves)

bookmark How to planting a foot:

When u use global control to move your character out when it is walking or else, u end up a situation that needing to plant your feet, or else it will slide. So do it as follows:

1.Select your foot mov controller, set your current time to the frame that the foot starts to be planted.
2.Click the button as shown above, there will be a locator created in the right position your selection's pivot, then time tick will step forward for one frame.
3.Press the G key in your keyboard (Repeating the last command)  and keep doing this, and take care of what is going on in your view port.
4.When U see the foot mov controller is coming to the frame that the foot don't need to be planted anymore , stop pressing G key.
5.All snapping job done. Right mouse button click on the footstickIcon icon of MGtools and drag to right and release to clean all snapping used locators.

Warning   Notice that this feature will keyframe the snapping target per frame.
       Before snapping feet, u should make sure that feet is not sliding to much or else snapping them by force will ending up that the feet were draging by something.

bookmark A general usage of selecting two objects and snap:

When u only select one object, what "***snap forward/Backward" dose is to create a snapping used locator in the right position of the pivot of the selection then does the snapping job.

U can also select two objects to do this. No locators will be created.
