
bookmark Constraint tools:


This tool is written to improve the efficiency of constrainting.


bookmark Popup Menu:



flag_blue Find Joint via vertex : Select the smooth bind joint via current selected vertex. more

flag_blue  parent constraint : Parent constraint the second selection with the first selection with auto skipping the locked attributes.

flag_blue parentConstraint Parent : Parent constraint the parent hierarchy of the section selection with the first selection.

flag_blue Constraint Lister.. : Load constraint lister to manager the constraint issues of the constraint object. more

flag_blue Anim Constraint : Create a locator ,whose parent hierarchy will be parent constrainted by the first selection ,and the locator itself will constraint  the  second selection. Therefore the first selection is controlling the second selection and meanwhile u can use the locator to tweak and keyframe the position of the second constrainted object.

flag_blue Point/Orient/Aim Constraint: Point / Orient / Aim constraint the second selection with first selection with auto skipping the locked attributes.

flag_blue Clear Constraint : Clear the selected constrainted object 's constraint.

flag_blue Modify Constraint Axis : Modify the constraint axis of the selected constrainted object.

flag_blue Correct weight name: Correct the constraint weight attribute name.

flag_blue Export/Import constraint offset.. :Export / import constraint offset information.more

flag_blue Clear offsetFile..: Delete all constraint offset file exported before in the Maya temp folder .more

flag_blue Help..: View Constraint tool help.


bookmark Constraint Toolbar:


How to load it ( Do one of the following ) :


Click the button ConstraintToolIcon in MGtools.
Click the ConstraintToolIcon1 icon in your Maya shelves . (If U have installed all the MGtools shelves into Maya shelves)


The buttons from top to bottom :

flag_blue The first button: Similar to MGtools icon in MGtools UI. It is used to manage the bar itself. Click it to minimize / restore Shelf bar. more

flag_blue Find Joint via vertex button  : Select the smooth bind joint via current selected vertex. more

flag_blue Constraint Lister button : Load constraint lister to manager the constraint issues of the constraint object. more

flag_blue Anim Constraint button : Create a locator ,whose parent hierarchy will be parent constrainted by the first selection ,and the locator itself will constraint  the  second selection. Therefore the first selection is controlling the second selection and meanwhile u can use the locator to tweak and keyframe the position of the second constrainted object.

flag_blue parent / point / Orient / Aim constraint:Parent / Point / Orient / Aim constraint the second selection with first selection with auto skipping the locked attributes.

lightbulb Tips : Right mouse button clicking on the constraint button:


constraint parent: Parent / Point / Orient / Aim constraint  the parent object of the section selection with first selection.

Option: Open maya default respective constraint options.

Help.. : View Constraint tool help.
