
bookmark Pivot stuff manager:


Load pivot stuff lister to manager the pivot stuffs in your scene.

U can easy select / delete pivot stuff there.


bookmark How to load ( Do one of the following ) :


Right mouse button clicking on the button pivot_tool_icon of MGtools and drag downwards and release.
Right mouse button clicking on the button pivot_tool_icon01 or pivot_tool_icon02 and select "PivotStuff lister"
Click pivotStuff_Lister_Icon icon in your Maya shelves . (If U have installed all the MGtools shelves into Maya shelves)


bookmark Pivot stuff manager UI:




flag_blue The Left list: Shows the pivot stuff by what they are controling.

flag_blue The right list: Show the three pivot stuff controllers  of the pivot stuff.

lightbulb Tips: Right mouse button clicking on the list left:

select : Select all three pivot stuff controllers who control the object. U can double click it to do the save thing.

Delete: Delete all three pivot stuffs who are controlling this object.

Right mouse button clicking on the right list:

select: Select the pivot stuff controller. U can double click it to do the same thing.
