
bookmark MG_shelf Manager:


Clicking it will load MGshelf manager.

U can embed/edit your own mel / shelf there.


bookmark To load MGshelf Manager ( Do one of the following ) :

If no user mel has been embed into it ,click MGshelf_Iconicon on MGtools UI to open it.
Click ManageMGShelfIcon icon in your Maya shelves . (If U have installed all the MGtools shelves into Maya shelves)


bookmark MG_Shelf Manager:



flag_blue Section A : all embed shelf / mel will be listed in this area.

Save button: Click to actually save shelves in this area.

lightbulb Tips: Right click the shelf in this area:

edit : Put this shelf into the edit section of B and C.

delete : Delete the shelf. U can mid mouse button drag the shelf of this area onto the trashcan icon on the right side.

flag_blue Section B : This scroll field holds the mel codes when editing the shelf of section A. U can type in your mel codes manually in as well.

Test command button: Debug the codes in the scroll field.

Save as mel file : Save mel codes in the scroll field as an .mel file ,and put sourcing this file codes instead.

lightbulb Tips: Right mouse button clicking on the scroll field:

Quick insert "source .mel" codes..: Select it then pick mel file dialog  will popup. Select the mel file U want then corresponding source codes will be put in the scroll field.

flag_blue Section C : Edit the label/ image overlay name, annotation of the shelf here.

First icon: Click to pick a 32*32 bitmap file as the icon of the shelf.

Second shelf area: Simply ctrl+mid mouse button to drag a shelf icon from maya shelves into this area to override the icon of the shelf.

Third icon: Click to pick a 32*32 bitmap file as the hightlight icon of the shelf.

Warning   After editing a shelf in section B/C, click Add button to submit it.

If U are satisfied with all the edit ,click Save button to actually save all editing  or all will be accepted as "cancel".
