
bookmark Stick object to view:


Click it to stick the object to current active view. If it is already sticky, then click it to reset it to normal.

U gonna use it a lot of time when u want to stick your character's emotional control panel to a certain view.


bookmark How to do this:

1.Select one object in your scene, and active a model panel view, then click this button.
2.The object will be attached to the view and a locator will be created to control the position of the sticky object. Use the locator to move the object around.
3.If the object's scale channels are settable , use the locator to scale the size of the object.

bookmark Make it sticky option box:



Stick selection based on: This option determines aligning the object by its pivot or by its boundingBox pivot to the viewport.

Sometime the character emotional control panel's pivot stays far away from it's visual center, if u stick it by its pivot ,it wont be able to be seen in your viewport until u manually adjust it with locator.

By using "Bounding box" option and doing the sticking action,this kind of situation will be get rid of.

Put object into new layer (Choose layer color belos. ): Whether to put the sticky obj and the locator into a new layer.Pick a layer color below.

Notice that once u change this option (which means selecting one radio button), the option will remain affecting until u change it again.
