
bookmark KeyFrame Probe



Find the animated objects of the selected character. Helps u to know who are affecting the character in current frame,etc.

Usage: First select any parts of your character rig, then execute it.

bookmark How to access KeyFrame Probe:


Right mouse button clicking on   AnimationBank_Icon of MGtools UI / KeyFrame Probe..
In Animation Library UI/ Misc menu/ KeyFrame Probe..
Right moue button clicking on MGchannelBox UI/ KeyFrame Probe..
In MGtools menubar menu/ Animation /KeyFrame Probe..

bookmark KeyFrame Probe:




flag_blue Time Range: All frames: As long as the object is keyframed will be listed.

   Current Frame: As long as the object's animation is affecting the object at current frame will be listed.

flag_blue Include Keyframe Infinity : Only available when "CurrentFrame" mode is used.This option is to take keyframe infinity other than "constant" into consideration.

flag_blue Only Scan Transform Node:Ignore the nodes other than the transform node into consideration when do the probing.

flag_blue Probe: The "do it" button. All the objects that fit the condition will be listed in the textscrollList below.

lightbulb Tips: Right mouse button clicking on the list below :

Select In Scene: Select the selected list items in your scenes. Double clicking on the list item will do the same thing.

Select All in Scene: Select all items that being listed in your scenes.

Warning   Notice: No matter u select all the objects of your character rig or just one piece,it will take all the objects of your rig into consideration.
