
bookmark Folder shortCut:


Click the icon on the MGtools UI to open current project folder.Double click to open both project folder and project image folder.

All features of this icon have something to do with "Folder". U can embed your own folder shortcut into it.


bookmark Right mouse button clicking on the icon:


flag_blue Menu items above open mayafailSave dir..: User embed folder shortcut will be listed in this area.

flag_blue Open maya failSave dir.. : Open Maya failSave directory which temporarily stores ma file when maya crashes.(Hope it is useless)

flag_blue Open maya script dir..: Open Maya script folder.

flag_blue Open maya program dir..: Open Maya program folder.

flag_blue Open MGtool folder..: Open MGtools program folder.

flag_blue  Add custom directory..: Add a user customized folder shortcut.

flag_blue Edit custom directory..: Edit user customized folder shortcuts.more

flag_blue  Help..: Load Folder shortcut help.


bookmark Add a user folder shortcut:

Right mouse button click FolderIcon button and select Add custom directory.. to add a user custom folder shortcut.

After that ,a picking folder dialog will pop out:


Pick the folder U want and click OK button :


flag_blue The text field of the first row: shows the folder path U have picked before.

flag_blue Name you want to show in popMenu: The name which will be shown in the right mouse button clicking menu of FolderIcon .If it will be installed as shelf ,this will be the label of the shelf.

flag_blue Shelf Label: If U want to install to shelf ,this will be the image overlay label.

flag_blue Save to menu Button: Click it to embed the shortcut into MGtools folder icon's right mouse button clicking menu.

flag_blue add to shelf Button: Add this shortcut as shelf  to Maya shelves.

flag_blue Close Button: Close add shortcut UI.
