
bookmark Draw curve via keyframe:


Draw a nurbs curve via your selection's keyframe.

It could be used to cooperate the motion Path feature.


bookmark How to call the tool ( Do one of the following ) :

click the DrawCurveViaKey_Icon icon in your Maya shelves (If U have installed all the MGtools shelves into Maya shelves) .
Right mouse button clicking on the button miniToolBoxIcon of  MGtools,select Draw curve via key..
Click the Draw curve via key button of miniToolBox.

bookmark How to draw a curve via keyframe:

1.Select the object in your scenes, click the button
2.Option window will pop up:

flag_blue Draw method :Use Keyframes info to draw curve or use every frames to draw the curve.

flag_blue Curve Degree : The curvature of the curve. It determines how many control vertex needed at least to create a curve. Only support All frames mode.

flag_blue  MotionPath: If it is turned on, after the curve is drew it will automatically create a motion path animation.

flag_blue Draw button: Do the action.
